Doctors Fear Rise of Event-Overload Syndrome
ABSTRACT: As the Coronavirus pandemic winds down, doctors are now warning about an explosion in illnesses resulting from over-exposure to in-person events.
April 1, 2022 - As the Coronavirus pandemic winds down, doctors are now warning about an explosion in illnesses resulting from over-exposure to in-person events.
Called Event-Overload Syndrome, the illness is marked by unusual giddiness about eating airplane food, taking Uber rides, wandering cavernous exhibit halls, and sitting through endless presentations.
“We’re concerned that people will overbook themselves before their minds and bodies are fully acclimated to the stresses of event attendance,” says Wade Aminit, head of the American Medical Association.
Industry analysts are particularly vulnerable since they typically attend 20-40 events a year. “I’ve got 10 weeks of back-to-back vendor conferences scheduled,” says E. Gerbever, a data management analyst at Forrester Research. “I also plan to spend every weekend in Vegas–that’s where most events are anyway.”