Analytics & Data Integration Hub: The Modern Way to Manage Heterogeneous Data and BI environments
June 30, 2020 at 01:00 pm EST
Business intelligence (BI) and data environments are notoriously heterogeneous and fragmented. Companies have multiple BI tools, each with their own semantic models, portals, file formats, reports, and dashboards. The situation is even more dire on the data side: there are dozens, if not hundreds or thousands of data warehouses, data marts, data sets, and data silos scattered throughout an organization. But rather than fight the fragmentation through enterprise standardization, perhaps it’s wiser to simply go with flow. Ride the wave, instead of swim against it.
Today, there are virtualization tools that can connect to all your BI tools and data sources and deliver a harmonized view of all your data and analytics assets. Imagine giving business users a single view of all your data, BI semantics, reports, and dashboards no matter what BI tool they use? But more than just analytics middleware or a data catalog, these so-called analytics and data integration hubs tools offer user-facing functionality: data prep, data profiling, and storytelling tools for data analysts and a universal BI portal and semantic layer for business users as well as visualization and BI tools.
Data and analytics functionality is rapidly converging. Vendors of all stripes are unifying functionality once found in disparate tools. Products that virtually connect to data where it lies and provide a unified view of BI semantics, reports and dashboards from every BI tool are a perfect antidote for heterogenous and fragmented BI and data environments.
You Will Learn:
1. What is an analytics and data integration hub
2. What types of organizations are best suited to this emerging technology
3. What functionality these hubs support
4. Why all-in-one tools are a perfect antidote for heterogenous data and BI environments.
Sponsor: DataClarity
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